The Collection

Dark Knights

Linear entertainment... that's so last year.

Ok, so maybe not, but you have to admit Netflix only keeps your attention for so long. Luckily for you, and quite frankly everyone else, there are alternatives.

Say for example Rocksteady's upcoming blockbuster Arkham Knight. AK is the first next-gen Batman game, and you can definitely tell. The below video is not a fluffed up trailer for the upcoming game - even if it is a visual feast - but instead actual gameplay footage. The developers have really done an outstanding job of pushing the limits of the new gen tech. As far as we're concerned it's the best looking game to be coming to home consoles to date. Add to the pile enough action to make even Michael Bay weep and it's safe to say you have our attention, Rocksteady. It's too bad we have to wait til next June to get our hands on this...

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