The Collection


Golem, inspired by the short story “GOLEM XIV” of “Imaginary Magnitude” by Stanislaw Lem, is a beautiful film created by Partick Mccue and Tobias Wiesner. Over the course of the film's 8 minutes the complexities, paradoxes, and rationalities of life are explored and presented.

Like Lem's original short story, the narrator here is a military A.I. computer who has obtained consciousness.  She (it) sees humanity as a flawed creation; failing to realize what it is and its purpose. The narrator gives credit to our creation to "the law of averages," ultimately deeming our lives as purposeless, random, and insignificant. The entire narrative raises more than a few questions, and though it seems bleak, the film's aim is to inspire.

Of course, the visuals are spectacular. The music is entirely fitting. The scope of the animation is not entirely realized until the film's end, and because of this pacing the entire piece becomes surreal. When, at the close, you realize who has been talking the entire time you realize the depth and harshness of the words being spoken.


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